Before, when a user bought the Ultimate pack directly, his/her Golden membership was extended to a year from now (as the pack).
To stop many from taking advantage of the situation, now, only users with 6 or more months until their Golden membership expiration date will benefit from this.
It's written in the pack balance page for users who haven't got a pack. They'll see either that they can (and until when) or that they can't anymore get their membership extended.
Now, you all know, and can answer them or correct when anyone gives "false" (outdated) info.
It didn't felt correct for a user that bought golden one month ago to have the same benefits as a user who bought it 11 months ago. original post
A referral is someone who works for you.
Sounds good? Keep on reading:
A referral gets what every other user gets when they click ads: Money!
But, if a user that clicks ads is your referral, you get money too!
There are two types of referral and three ways of getting them:
Direct referral:
Rented referral:
Click Here to Read More..Here is a Payment proof from neobux that i got today and some of my Previous payments dates inluded (right click on pic>>open in new tab)All these payments came to my Paypal account in less than 5 seconds!! So what are you waiting for? sign up for a neobux account Now!!!
here is what i earned so far,
Let me remind you again, you must be a Paypal verified member before you are valid to be paid.
Click here to know how to become paypal verified.
First two rental Discounts for standard memer now implemented
Posted by elie | 5:04 AM | neobux | 0 comments »neobux admin announced earlier today a discount for the first two rental for standard members. (read post here.)
there had been a slight change on the Help section aswell.
so, in conclusion if you are new to neobux, make sure you take advantage of the referral discount.
Hint: rent 100 twice to get most of the discount.
Neobux video tutorial- How to view ads. (earn free easy money)
Posted by elie | 9:32 AM | neobux | 0 comments »How to earn free Easy money from neobux.
There you go! =) easy money from neobux. the best PTC in the World!!!
you can cash out your earnings once you reach $2. directly to your alertpay or paypal account.
total newbie?
don't worry! I will be at your back! =) you are free to contact me, Leave a comment, or just make it more easier by just reading THIS POST. ;) and don't forget to look in "labels." all the Rich information about this bussiness is all there.
How to be my referral???
it's easy!!!
Just click this banner below, register, and your all set!;)
or go directly to, register and write my username in the referral blank which is noodellbox.
oh! and i almost forgot! I got Reward(s) for my Best referrals. you could Be one to,.
so be sure to read these Details. and be one of my referrals! and earn even more money online! ;)
Difference of Golden membership and Standard membership
Posted by elie | 5:15 AM | neobux | 0 comments »STANDARD MEMBERSHIP
- $.01 per (standard ad view) $.015 (extended view)
- $.005 per referral's ad view $.015 (extendend view)
- has a minimum of 4 ads a day
- 0% discount on buying refs, recycling
- $.01 per (standard ad view) $.02(for extended view)
- $.01 per referral's (standard ad view) $.02(extended)
- 10% discount on buying and recycling referrals
- HARD TO RENT (tips on renting for golden members)
Click Here to Read More..
UPDATE!! YOU must First have these requirements before being eligible for a Golden membership at neobux
Posted by elie | 5:00 AM | neobux | 0 comments »it was stated earlier today at this post by neobux's admin that there will be certain requirements before a standard member could become a golden member.
Before becoming a Golden member, a standard member should have:
POSTED by neobux admin on 12/24/08 (neobux forum)
"It's all about security!
As you all know, NeoBux is the most secured PTC.
Although our security is the highest in the industry, it's never enough.
Our main issue with security comes directly from the user's themselves who, for negligence or bad luck, fail to protect their accounts as they should.
To put an end to sleepless nights, NeoBux is introducing the world's first PTC Security Card.
This is a major step towards our commitment to protect user's accounts and another one of NeoBux's innovations.
What's a Security Card and why do I need one?
A Security Card is a physical card (yes, the pretty ones you keep in your wallet) which will be shipped directly to your home address (or any address you like) and this card will make your account as secure as you want it to be.
There are 3 simple steps you need to be able to use the card:
1 - Purchase the card.
2 - Enter your postal address.
3 - Activate the card.
After you've completed steps 1 and 2, a unique security card will be manufactured and shipped to you.
This card will have your username and a unique grid (matrix) of codes and a unique global security code.
Once you receive the card, you only need to activate it once and configure the security settings you feel most comfortable with.
The method to protect your account will always be the same: You'll need the security card for everything you defined as locked.
Anytime you need to access a locked area, you'll unlock it with the card and you won't need the card again until a specified (by you) idle time.
On a side note, this card isn't a debit or credit card.
So, what can you lock?
First, let's make two groups:
1 - Global Lock: This is where, right after login, you'll need the card to unlock all of your account usage.
2 - Specific Locks: Here, you'll define only certain areas of the site to lock.
Here are the specific areas you can individually lock:
- Forum & Chat: Useful so that no one who may enter your account can post nonsense or request information on your behalf.
- Personal Settings: So that no one can change your settings (such as emails or passwords)
- Advertisements visualization: Prevents usage of autoclickers from a malicious user
- Cashouts: Prevents the cashout of your balance
- Jackpots: Prevents the hacker from spending your money
- Purchases: Prevents the hacker from making purchases in your behalf thus securing your account from fraudulent transactions
- Balance Transfers: Prevents the transfer of your main balance to other balances
- Referral management (recycling, renting, etc): Prevents the payment of referral management
This areas will always be locked:
- Card Settings: This way no one will be able to unlock areas without the card
- Support/Live Support: This way no one will be able to impersonate you under a support request
You may wonder why not only a global lock...
Well, we have many users who all live different lives and think in a different way.
Imagine a user who keeps his/her card locked in a safe at home just for unlocking personal settings and cashouts. Why? Because he can't have the risk of taking the card with him/her and does his/her clicks somewhere else and even browses and posts at the forums in the same location.
Many variables and situations can be exemplified but, you're you and you know exactly what you need to make you safe and trouble free.
Masked Login:
In addition to all of this, you'll have the option to make a masked login.
A masked login is basically a login using the verification code in your card instead of your username.
This is an amazing security feature by itself.
For example: Imagine your username is "NeoBux" and your password is "1234". If you have the masked login active, even if someone tried to enter your account with the right username and password, they'll get an error as if the login was wrong and you'll get a warning.
To login, you'll have to enter your card's unique verification code as the username and your password(s). This way you can freely show your username and statistics to the world without fear.
And how does the security card really work?
The process is quite simple.
The matrix on the card is composed by a 7x7 grid where each cell has 4 numbers giving a total of 196 random numbers. From these 196 numbers, a combination of 3 will be requested.
Every time the security card is needed, you'll be asked to supply the 3 numbers from the card's grid (matrix) along with the card's verification code. After a few failed attempts, your account will be temporarily locked and you'll be warned."
Hit subscribe button(s) to get the latest news about neobux
Neobux security card and why neobux admin is the best
Posted by elie | 4:44 AM | neobux | 0 comments »Neobux, The innovation in PTC had taken once again, Great Steps towards PTC innovation with this highly sophisticated Neobux Security card. The card, From the name it self tells it all.
neobux, Being the number one in the PTC bussiness, Took pride in presenting the card to all it's members late december 2008. this is a Physical card that you, a member will receive in your doorsteps. and neobux described it as "the ultimate bearier to protect your account.
the very first members who first ordered the card, (late december) were given a promised by the admin in this post telling them that the card, will be delivered on january 2009. with no specific date.
Go to this post(right click and open in new tab)
so where is the card now??
unfortunately, there had been a slight delay. what were suppose to be delivered, wasn't delivered!
so what did the neobux admin did is HERE.
You can oviously see On that post,.. why,.
yep.. he gave away the $50 that was supposedly be a payment,. for the order of card.
in short, he gave it away for FREE.
yep,. your right,.. I or WE should have had ordered the card.. :(
now ofcourse, the card is NOT FOR FREE anymore.. :(
too bad for all of us who didn't ordered QUICKLY..
anyways,. there are alot more the site admin had done so greatly,. I'll take some time to post it anytime here soon.
read the full review of the card,. here
Hi! Great news,. I will be giving out $5 for each referrals who made a Thousand clicks on their Neobux account. directly to their PAYPAL or ALERTPAY account!!! +PLUS A free SPECIAL Surprise BONUS worth $57 You don't want to miss.
Here are the requirements for claiming your prize(s):
I will be also giving away by the end of the year $15 for the referral with the Highest clicks,.
UPDATE: be sure to be on this list.
noodellbox my neobux username to be typed in referrer when you join or simply click this link
and you won't have to worry and just register.
still unsure and don't know how to get started??? let me Help you!,.
simply click on THIS LINK
I cant login my account,. wrong verification code always appears,.. even when i typed correctly why?
Posted by elie | 9:33 AM | neobux | 0 comments »this is normal. this happens to me quite often too,..
the solution for this problem is to CLEAN COOKIES.
you can now easily clean your cookies via the neobux site. Login> and at the lower right corner colored in GREEN you will see "Clean Cookies" wait for it to load,. and try logging in again,.
My Payments from neobux directly to my paypal account
Posted by elie | 9:19 AM | neobux | 0 comments »click Images to resize,.. (right click>open in new tab)
these payments are from Neobux to my paypal account.
This was a Post by a neobux member orbit covering up a wide variety of applications you might find helpful on your money making journey in neobux. such as earnings calculator, referral management software, and many more..
I found a bug at neobux "THE LINES" and how i fixed it.
Posted by elie | 7:11 AM | neobux | 0 comments »from the last 3 days,.. i had been having a problem on the site,. "the lines" keep appearing
everytime i visit neobux.I see it everywhere, the account summary, view advertisement page,. EVERYWHERE,..
so i contacted neobux BUG support and got a response immediately,.
the admin stated that this is no bug,. there is probably something wrong with my FONT SETTINGS. that's why these lines keep appearing,.. (view the original post here)
so what i did to solve this issue is simply go to my firefox browser menu bar>>view>>zoom>>RESET..
and everything went back to normal.. If in anycases you experienced this problem,. do these steps..
and always use FIREFOX as your browser.
What is PTC? Pay To Click (PTC) websites provide an easy way for members to earn a little extra cash, while bringing advertisers closer to members through guaranteed, targeted ads.
PTC (pay to click) is the easiest way to earn money online. join a PTC site
and get paid trough Alertpay or paypal.
Pay to click is when advertisers pay a user to actually click on an ad to visit the advertiser's website.
Why do they do it? Let's say you have a website and you are planning on selling something. What do you need? Right, you need visitors to your web site. How are you going to make sales if you have no real visitors? It can take weeks, months or even longer to get a new website pushed up in the rankings in the better search engines. This is the point where many webmasters turn to pay-to-click programs.
PTC advertising?
PTC advertising means having your ads placed on different search engines and/or directories, then paying a set amount of money each time a visitor clicks on your ad. When you sign up to these PTC programs, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy; usually they will provide ~ 10 ads per day for you to visit. You simply click on a link and view a website for ~30 seconds to earn money. Regular price for one visited website is 0.01 c.
How does it work? how do I earn from a PTC site?
- * SIMPLE! join a PTC site, click on an ad, wait for it to load (this process usually takes for only 30 secs) then a confirmation message will appear saying that you had earned money from the click.
- * the REAL money comes from REFERRING OTHERS. every time your referrals click for you, you gain 50% (the minimum) or 100% (mostly) your referral had clicked for that day.
- as far as how hard referring others goes, PTC websites often sell unreferred members and do the referring for you for a minimal ammount.
- view their respective TOS for more infos.
How much can I earn?
* everytime you have successfully finished viewing an ad, you will be credited .01 on your account.
* for some sites there is a sign up bonus.
* every referral clicks is mostly $.01 and $.005 to some websites.
* there is also a premium membership that could give you $.0125 per click
what if you have more referrals?? what if there is so much available ads perday?? see this example below:
- you click 10 ads per day = $.10
- 50 referrals click 15 ads a day = $7.5
- your daily income = $17.5
- your weekly income = $122.5
- your monthly income = $490
- your income for a year = $5,880
How do I get paid?
there is a minimum cash out view the minimum cashouts of different PTC sites to see what suits you. so everytime you reach the minimum cash out balance, your money will be available to "cashout".
there are always commonly two payments processors which are paypal or alertpay
so if you still don't have a paypal/alertpay accounts please sign up for one.
why should I join PTC?
ptc business is growing rapidly. and for the next few years it will be known as a top opportunity for anyone. great part about ptc is there is no age limit anyone can join. and it is a really good place to double your income. and the best part of ptc is there is absolutely no skills needed, all you need to know is click and read. :D so what are you waiting for? join now and have fun clicking!!! ^_^
What PTC sites do you recommend?
i am currently recommending only one PTC site in the moment. neobux.
learn more about neobux


Click Here to Read More..
This post is published for the reason, "renting refs is SO F** HARD as golden member"
the first 5 seconds on your rental time is very important when your trying to rent. make sure you "refresh" the page EXACTLY at your chosen rental time.
these tips are very usefull to make your renting MUCH EASIER.
- first of all,.. set your rental time at,. account summary>personal settings> rental time.
- look on the current global distribution,.. and pick the time when there is most little "traffic."
- use FIREFOX browser
- watch this video by jimmyrcom and use this tutorial.
- use fasterfox too
- make sure you syncronize your clock to windows time.
- when reloading the page, do not use "refresh" or "f5" instead, click on your "username" this is much faster as your computer saves the cache.
click here Click Here to Read More..
a strategy that most of neobux member's had success.
It is very easy to win,.. but it's going to be quite expensive. My hint is,.. PLAY WITH A FRIEND,..
this could be your mom, DAD, SISTER, cousin, Brother, best friend,..
after this,.. both of you buy all the tickets,.. and you'll constantly be having many refs in no time soon.
for example, you and your mom played,.. if you didn't win,. STILL it's a WIN-WIN situation.
try and use my strategy To maximize your earnings at neobux.
so you have acquired the numbers of referrals that you want, but then it dropped,.. my answer? read post below.
divided into 3 different opions.
I use option 3 (pay for 90 days)
i pay for them everytime a referral has reached 1 day left. why? This is the best option.
OPTION 2 same strategy as option one.
I had great results with this strategy.
Your Clicks on server time and clicks on Local time, WHAT TIME ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO CLICK?
Posted by elie | 10:14 PM | neobux | 0 comments »This Is very IMPORTANT! because your clicks on server time, Depends On how Will you Gain Earnings from your referrals The next day, it is very complicated to explain actually, so what i will give you is this example,..
LOCAL TIME- The current Time on Your country.
Server Time- The neobux Server time.
when you logged in your account, go to View advertisement page. and you will see the CURRENT server time which looks like this. (click to resize)based on the example above, the current server time is, 01:33AM so currently the time is 1:33am at the morning at neobux server. remember the time then Look at your current Local time and REMEBER IT. make sure you click at this time again TOMORROW.
so, Before clicking ToMorrow, make sure it's THE NEXT DAY OF SERVER TIME.
to give you A clearer view of this, I'll give you MY LOCAL TIME example,..
every time neobux server turns to 0:00 (12:00 midnight) which means a new day,..
The current server time on my country (Philippines) is 1:00PM.
which means, i have to click my ads again tommorow after 1:00PM.. (my local time) in the afternoon.
be sure to always click on server time.
neobux was the first PTC site to innovate Instant payment system.
you simply withraw your main balance and have it directly to alertpay or paypal account. (this feature could be done every 4 days)
unlike any other PTC sites, neobux let's you withraw money from your main balance every 4 days. and LESS THAN 10 SECONDS!
this feature is the best, to the reason"Situation: you buy a Candy with your mom at a candy store, you hand out the money to the cashier and return back later tomorrow to buy more candies!"
it's like selling or buying candy and handing/taking your payment INSTATLY and SAFELY.
You must First Upgrade your membership to Golden before Upgrading to these Membership types.
in these packs, you would be able to have .02 per ad clicks, rental Q, and even a maximum of 300 refs to purchase.
if your a golden member already, and plan on subscribing one of the packs, Login to your account, and click HERE.
to buy the golden packs, add Funds to your golden pack balance by using your Main balance, Paypal, or alertpay.
as you can see, the ultimate membership is the best option.
For users, i don't advise to choose the emerald. as there is not much great features here.
so if your a new user and want to go for the cheapest one which is $290, i would advise you to take the sapphire instead of emerald,.. (click image above for example) as you ca see why,.. But i urge you to GO ULTIMATE for the reason This is THE BEST OPTION.
admin posted earlier today that referrals instant messages will SOON be available. I simply commented "wow" to this soon to be new feature.
"As most have requested, a Personal Messaging system will be introduced.Click Here to Read More..
Let me start with: "It's not ready yet!".
Rules, privacy and everything else will be properly announced as soon as everything is finished.
It will take some time as many more important things are in the way and they need to be dealt with first.
But, we don't want to start it without having no one to talk to, do we?
This is why this announcement exists...
You now have a new setting in your Personal Settings that will allow you to determine if your Receive and Send private messages or not.
As you can see, its off by default due to privacy settings.
We don't want users upset by receiving messages against their will so that's the default setting and it will always be.
To wrap this up really quickly follow these steps (only if you want to use private messages):
1) Go to your Personal Settings and choose "YES" on "Send and Receive Personal Messages"..
2) Wait for it to be implemented (it will take time)." by admin.
to view the original Post, Click here
this posted article of neobux is neobux tos as of january 18, 2009,. neobux might change it so it is really recommended to go to THIS LINK to have full details.. | ||
TERMS OF SERVICEThese terms of service apply to you as a member, being a user or advertiser at NeoBux. When registering at NeoBux, you confirm you have read and understood the following terms and conditions of these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to any of this terms, you must not register. This Terms of Service (ToS) document is divided into the following areas: | ||
Click Here to Read More..
become paypal verified using Unionbank EON card
Posted by elie | 7:16 PM | eon card, Union bank | 0 comments »EON card- a debit card from union bank. it has no maintaining balance Limit. you just have to pay P350 annual fee. almost like a credit card,. you can shop from it online, and even get you paypal verified.
It is very important to read this guide first before signing up your paypal account.
in this topic, i will show you how to have an eon card from union bank. here's how i did it.
Step 1
complete all credentials to be submitted:
- 2 Photo copies of your valid id's ie: driver's license, Postal id, passport etc.. Found HERE. in my case i submitted my driver's license and my postal id (two copies each).
- Choose from, SS or TIN number (two copies) Yes, these are required. i really didn't believe it at first but when you see your form, that you will fill up in the bank, SS number is really required. (in my case i got an ss number) don't worry, it's free. you can get an SSS number at the nearest SSS branch near you,. here's how you do it: just bring a photo copy of your Birth certificate or your baptism certificate, then Get a Form, (in my case I took the RS-1 form being as self-employed) if your a student with no work whatsoever, I advise you to get the RS-1 form and fill it up. after your finish with these take it to the registrar. an employee will then make a short interview about you. he/she will ask you questions such as "ano trabaho mo?" "magkano ang kinikita mo bwan bwan?" in my case i just told them i work online. and i have a monthly income of P4000/month,. then after that,. he will then give you your SS number FINALLY!!!
- after you got your SS number finally in your hand,. Make a copy of it. (or two)
- P350 annual fee.
- P300- to be deposited in your account.
Go to union bank:
- proceed to union bank (banking hours 9:00am-3:00pm)
- ask/tell someone from the bank that your ready to apply for an EON card.
- Give your credentialls,. (bring the originals just in case)
- Fill up your forms.
- pay the P250 fee.
- deposit atleast P300. (very important)
Step 3
Using your Eon card.
- now, after you had successfully have the EON card at your hand, you then have to wait for atleast a week for it to get activated (you will know when you get activated when you can withraw money already from your EON card.)
- Sign it up for online Banking at>eon cyber acc login>enroll to online banking.
- wait for atleast 5 days for it to be FULLY ENROLLED.
- after it is fully enrolled, You can now then Sign up for your paypal account and get it verified. which is EXPLAINED HERE.
PEACE and God Bless!! Click Here to Read More..
Hi there. if you are reading this article by this very moment, then by any chances you are Filipino and not a verified paypal member yet. so come and Read on for these step by steps instructions. (these instructions are based on my experience)
- signup for a paypal account. enter your whole name, address, phone number, and every information about you that is being ask in that registration page. (take note that it should be signed with no errors. the info on your debit or credit card should be EXACTLY the same as the infos on your paypal account. ie name, address etc.. get the point?) this step is very important. whether for you to get paid or to shop online.
- Login account and click on "to do list"
- add a credit card or debit card. in my case here, since i can't afford to have a credit card, i used an EON visa electron debit card From Unionbank To get verified. please take note also that paypal only accepts debit/credit cards with a VISA or MASTERCARD Logos. VERY IMPORTANT! CLICK THIS LINK BEFORE GOING STEP 4! THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT! I ADVISE YOU TO READ MY EON GUIDE FIRST.
- after you had successfully added your credit card, a sort of button in paypal will appear asking you to send the paypal 4 DIGIT CODE these codes are called EXPUSE NUMBERS (expanded use). take note that you must first enroll it to unionbank's online banking HERE. click on eon cyber account login>>new window appears>>Enroll Here link.
- wait for the 4 digit EXPUSE number found on your bank statement. this should be done with Less than 7 days (i waited 4 days for this). take note that your EON CARD must be fully enrolled and activated before getting the expuse number. and that paypal will take $1
elie palima
still having problems?? email me at
ordered something at neobux and didn't receive it for the next 15 minuites?? have you got your account suspended by not Logging in for a whole month?
are you in some doubts about the service?
If you are currently on this situation, i urge you to send a support ticket. to do this you must:
if you have not logged in for 2 months, I regretfully say, your account has been terminated.
click here for a new account.
there had been rumors about neobux using bots, and some theories on how clicks are being manipulated in some way, is this true?
This issue is created by members that come from other ptcs, and are used to have bots instead of real people. Bots have a pre-determined number of clicks to do after they die forever. Until they do this clicks, their behavior will be always the same clicking X days per week, and missing 7-x days all weeks. Neobux, it's the first ptc to allow us to see detail referrals statistics and to have only human referrals. start of by reading this post
Some times when you're connecting you can receive this error. Nothing to worry about. In this topic you can read the official admin's answer about it.
Basically this will happen everytime admin is updating something bringing more innovation to our beloved neobux.
update: everytime you experience this problem, just wait for atleast 5-20 minuites. clean your cache and cookies with ccleaner. also try going to Tools>>Clear private data option for firefox users. if you still cant access site.. then feel free to contact me. or just leave out a comment.
Q:Why am I currently getting so few ads?
A:First of all there are several reasons for this to happen. The first one is that neobux is in it first month of life and a lot of the ads packages bought are small. I can tell you that I’m currently having an average of more than 9 ads per day, the only thing you should do is to check the site several times per day and then you would hunt the small packages of ads to.
The other reason that may be pointed it’s the demographic advertisement where the advertiser could select just a specific country where it ads will be displayed. This will open the doors of a brand new market in PTC advertisers: the small companies of each country what in long term will bring you lots of ads and more interesting ones because some will be from companies from your own country.
One more thing you should think is that until now all the ads are from real advertisers and not self sponsored ones what give us the warranty that is brand “new” money entering the site and it’s from that money we’re being pay.
The main point is that neobux is just starting its engine so the ads amount should increase a lot in the next few weeks.
Update: Now with the golden update packs you can get up to 16 base non demographic ads per day.
Q2:I’m Golden and only getting 0.01$ per ad. Why?
A2:Because there are two types of ads the normal (30 seconds and 0.01$ per ad) and the extended exposure (60 seconds and 0.02$ per ad) and there is defined by the advertiser when he buy the ads if he wants one type or the other, so you just have to wait for the advertisers start to buy extended. I’ve already “hunted” 2 extended so they exist.=)
Update: With the golden update packs you earn between 0.012$ and 0.02$ per normal view.
Q3:I’m getting error “The chosen advertisement is not available” while viewing some ads what should I do?
A3:First refresh your ads page and assure that this ad is still there because it may be an ad package that is just over.
If not the solution should be log off, clean all the cache, cookies and temps from your browser and then log in again. It should be ok by then.
This was a post by the admin regarding the autopay feature
This is the best way to keep your referrals.
You can enable or disable this feature at any time.
Here's how it works:
On the first click a referral makes per day, you'll pay neobux for another day to rent that refs.
If the referral does not click, you won't pay him for another day.
Please note that you can only activate AutoPay for referrals that have 20 or more days left paid until next month's payment.
So, imagine you rented 500 referrals by spending $100 for a month.
Instead of paying $100 again at the next due date (yes, it hurts), you can pay for them daily.
In the end, you'll save $10 and you'll never run out of referrals.
Also, you don't have to worry about the due date.
While it's easier to pay this way, it's also cheaper for you because you save 10% of a whole month's rent.
The daily AutoPay prices are:
Golden members: $0.006 per ref/day = $0,18 per month
Pioneer members: $0.0075 per ref/day = $0,225 per month
Standard members: $0.009 per ref/day = $0,27 per month.
So, go to your account, click on Referrals and then on the "Rented Referrals List".
You will see the "AutoPay" status.
Enable or disable it as you prefer.
No late payments, no hassle.
This is AutoPay.
I had been a member of neobux since early August 2008, and the Funny thing about that is that
It has been Late November since I decided To finally "invest" on Neobux, back then I gotta tell you, i was then a little skeptical that's why i decided to wait for almost 4 months before i decided to Put my $150 investment on buying referrals, getting a golden membership, recycling, etc..
But Before the start of 2009, (Dec. 27 2008) I had a successful withdrawal of P7300!!! worth $160 US dollars on my Unionbank EON card. That's like 100% of my earnings + a 23% worth of income!
now i am waiting for my next payment That's Gonna come Late January! Thanks neobux! The year 2009 keeps Getting Better and Better!
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MISTAKES YOU SHOULD AVOID as a neobux member.
#1 not reading the TOS. the terms of service is really important. you may never know if you are breaking a rule or not so i advice you to read it first before doing anything stupid.
#2 not going to the FORUM. in the forums you have lots of access to any information about neobux. such as the latest news and updates. take part on one of the most friendliest, greatest internet community of all. and you might find a few tips and tricks along the way. TIP: use the search function.
#3 going golden too soon. this had been one of the biggest mistake i had ever made. I upgraded my account immediately as soon as i got paypal verified. i should inform you that it is very hard renting referrals on a golden membership.
#4 not clicking on server time the clicks you earn from referrals, depends on how you click on server time. be sure to always click on server time
so in conclusion, you must read the TOS, Go to the Forum, don't upgrade your account YET. unless you have acquired the number of your desired refferals,..
and also i will always be here for tips and advise so don't hesitate to ask.
your hand in success,
On a woman’s body there are a few places that can be thought of as sensual. Although this varies from culture to culture, many consider the most sensitive areas to be the nape of the neck and the infamous lower back. With that being said, it’s really not hard to see why lower back tattoos have become so popular over the years.
Although women have several areas for tattoos, the lower back is one of the most erotic and sensual areas women can get tattooed. Lower back tattoos are easy to cover up as well, which is great for those who aren’t allowed to have tattoos at work. Unlike other areas of the body, the lower back is completely covered up by a shirt. With the lower back – you only show the tattoo off when you want.
The ease to show or hide lower back tattoos has helped to increase popularity, as well as the desire, or sensuality. When a woman tells someone, especially a man, that she has a lower back tattoo – the mind often wonders. Lower back tattoos create a sensual and tantalizing appeal. Normally, these tattoos are done around the waist line. While part of it may be hidden by a women’s birthday suit – there may very well be a part of it showing as well. For lovers, a lower back tattoo can be very sensual and sexual, a secret that is shared only between the two.
The various designs and shape of the tattoo will often times enhance both the look and the appeal of the entire lower back area. The design of the tattoo is normally a small and shallow curvature that enables it to fit perfectly to the curves of the female back and natural curves of her hips. The lower back tattoo helps to accentuate an already breathtaking part of the female anatomy and enhance an area that is well known for its sensuality.
Popular designs for lower back tattoos include flowers, vines, and stars. Winged creature designs work good as well, as the wings of the monster can stretch his wings across the entire lower back region. Angels, dragonflies, and birds also seem to work quite well. You can add natural designs to the creatures as well, including plants and flowers. The lower back is a great area for tattoos – giving you unlimited possibility to use your imagination.
Although there are a lot of options and designs available, you should always choose one that you can enjoy for the rest of your life. You should always give thought to a design, and not pick something just because it’s appealing at the time. Instead, you should look into the thought and meaning of the tattoo and decide if it’s something you can see yourself with for the rest of your life. The meaning behind a tattoo is important, both now and later on in life. When you look at designs, you should always pick the one that literally calls out to you.
Before you decide to get a lower back tattoo, you should always look at several designs first, and then decide the best one for you. If you can’t find a design that you like, you can always have a professional tattoo artist design one for you. This way, you can have a tattoo design based on what you want. Although a custom design may cost a bit more money – it’s truly worth it if you want a unique and creative design that enhances the look of your lower back.
Once you have made the decision to get a tattoo, you’ll find yourself facing a very important task – the budget. Tattoos have long been known to be very expensive, with the bigger ones costing up in the thousands. Although you may be able to find some designs and studios that are within your budget, you’ll still face some very important decisions.
The cost of a tattoo is the most common question people ponder before they get a tattoo. Although they can be very expensive, they are still within your reach. Most people who know they are getting a tattoo will save their money up. Even though you may have an average job and don’t make a lot of money, a tattoo can still be well within your reach if you save your money up for a few months. This way, you’ll have more than enough to spare when you finally get the tattoo you have been saving up for.
In the world of tattoos, you get what you pay for. If you’ve got your own design that you want tattooed, tattoo artists will normally charge you anywhere from 30 – 250 dollars an hour. If you want the tattoo artist to design a tattoo for you, you’ll probably end up paying more. Depending on the size and location of the tattoo, you can easily spend thousands. Tattoos that cover the entire back for example, can cost you as much as fifteen thousand dollars!
The best thing to do is to find a studio and design that you like, and then look into how much it will cost you. You should always look for the cleanest and most sanitary studio first. Once you have found a sanitary tattoo studio, you should meet the tattoo artists and talk to them a bit to see how friendly they are. When you look at the prices of the tattoos, you should never sacrifice quality for price. Even though a studio may cost you more, the quality will normally be better than other tattoo studios in the area.
Although you may be able to find a tattoo studio that will do their work for a cheap price, you should never rush into getting a tattoo strictly for the price. Even though a cheap price may sound good, the quality of the work could be lacking. Tattoo studios that charge expensive prices normally do so because they have the best artists and the best quality work.
Once you have chosen a studio and had your tattoo done, you should always make sure to tip your artist. If he does exceptional work, you should make it well worth his time and give him a nice tip. Tattoo artists who do high quality work love to get tips – and they will always appreciate your business if you treat them as good as they treat you.
Each and every one of us is always on the lookout for great deals and any way to save money that we can find. With the Internet being so popular these days, many people often turn to the Internet for free tattoo designs. For most of us, free is always the way to go. When you stop and think about it, a free tattoo design sounds a lot better than paying as much as $150.00 for one at a tattoo studio. The fact about it is simple - someone could just as easily draw their tattoo design themselves and then pay the tattoo artist to put the tattoo on them.
If you give it some thought, you may begin to wonder if free tattoo designs are actually worth it in the end. The fact of them being free is always great, although you may wonder if the design is something you would like to display permanently on your body. When you show your new tattoo to friends, they may think negative thoughts when you tell them that you got the design free off the Internet. Each and every time you show your tattoo people will want to know about the message and the design, which you’ll probably need to think about.
All of us are familiar with the old saying “you get what you pay for”, and it’s truly no different in this scenario. Although there are hundreds and hundreds of websites on the Internet that provide free tattoo designs, few of them are really worth the interest. Most of the free designs out there on the Internet are very poor quality. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to wait and have a professional tattoo artist make the design for you.
Those who choose to go with free tattoo designs will tell you that tattoos are very expensive and they can’t afford to have a professional tattoo artists draw up the design. Some people, when dealing with custom tattoo designs, will say that their tattoo artist doesn’t do custom designs or that he just don’t want to do theirs. Although most of this may be true to an extent, there truly is no better way to get a tattoo than using a design made by a professional tattoo artist.
As most already know, free tattoo designs are normally made by those who know next to nothing about tattoo designing. In most cases, these designs are made by someone who is looking to make a quick profit instead of a true professional tattoo artist. You can easily tell that they aren’t professional quality simply by looking at them. Most free designs have poor quality, poor lines, and often times the work appears to be made on a personal computer. You certainly wouldn’t want to use something like this with your tattoo – simply because you will be showing it the rest of your life.
If you spend a lot of time searching on the Internet for free tattoo designs, you may be able to find a few with good quality. There are some good quality designs out there, although you’ll probably have to search quite a bit to find them. It’s best to have an idea in mind about the tattoo you want then look for it that way. Although it may take you some time, you could very well find it. If you do come across it as a free tattoo design – you should always triple check the quality before you decide to have it done.
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Celtic history goes back thousands and thousands of years. Early Celtic people were

Over the years, modern Celtics evolved and established symbols for themselves along the way. Throughout North America, Celtic people often wear these symbols to let others know that they are a Celtic descent. The symbols and knowledge have been passed down through the years, as there is little no written history. Tattooing however, keeps the Celtic tradition alive with the infamous Celtic cross and other popular Celtic designs.
Most Celtic tattoo designs come from Ireland, where the evidence of Celtic history is very strong indeed. The Trinity College found in Dublin, Ireland, contains many manuscripts that document the Celtic heritage and symbols. The height of Celtic tattooing however, occurred during the era when stone and metal work was really popular.

Celtic knot tattoos are some of the most popular and most common designs, featuring loops with no end that symbolize a never ending cycle of dying and rebirth. There are also Celtic animal tattoo designs as well, which are similar in design to the knot tattoos, although the cords in the design normally terminate in heads, tails, and feet. The pure knot tattoo designs are normally never ending, unless an individual adds an end to symbolize a spiral.
The meaning behind the knots in Celtic tattoos defies any type of literal translation and is found at a much deeper level. The interlacing of the knots expresses the repeated crossing of both physical and spiritual elements. The strands and their never ending path is a popular design for Celtic tattoos, representing life, faith, and love. For many years, Celtics have used these designs for emotional as well as heritage purposes.

Those who are from a Celtic descent, Irish, Scots, or Welsh, normally find a Celtic tattoo to be a great way to express their heritage pride. These tattoos help to reestablish pride, and give tribute to one’s ancestors. The tattoos aren’t easy to do, most taking several hours. Unlike other tattoo designs, Celtic tattoos are among the hardest designs in the world.
If you are from a Celtic descent and have decided to get a Celtic tattoo, the first thing to do is find an artist capable of doing the tattoo. The designs are very difficult and not all tattoo artists can do them. It’s always best to find a tattoo artist who has a background in Celtic designs, as this will ensure the tattoo is done correctly. The artist who does the tattoo needs to have an eye for detail and exact line placement – which is a skill that not all tattoo artists possess.
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